Defense Writers Group
17 January 2025
Moderator: It’s two minutes after, so let’s get started on this snowy day. I guess it was somewhat prescient that we did this virtually rather than make people commute over icy roads this morning.
This Defense Writers Group is hosting Steven J. Morani, the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment. As always, we’re on the record. Please feel free to record for accuracy of quotes, but there’s no rebroadcast of audio or video. I’ll ask the first question, then we’ll go around the room until we’ve either exhausted the questions or the hour is over.
Mr. Morani, thank you so much for joining us, and it’s great to know that there is a qualified and highly experienced permanent civil servant that will be staying in these roles through the upcoming transition.
My first question, I know that your public affairs officer, Bob Ditchey, has heard me say this. I’m not an expert in sustainment. I’m more of a policy and strategy guy, but one thing I’ve learned from my wife, Johnny Cash and the military is that whenever you have a big problem, break it down into tactical, operational and strategic to understand those pieces.
So to get us started, sir, can you talk a bit about the strategic level of sustainment and the challenges for the department in the future? And then walk us through some of the specific operational and tactical things you’re doing to mitigate those challenges.
ASD Morani: Thank you for the question. So one piece at a time, right?