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Mieke Eoyang, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy

Cyber Media Forum

October 20, 2021

Moderator:  Good morning, everyone.  If I could call this meeting to order.  I’m Thom Shanker.  I’m the new Director of the Project for Media and National Security and I’m honored to welcome you to this very special Cyber Media Form that is co-hosted through the generosity of the Howard Baker Forum.  We appreciate your support.  This is our first in-person breakfast in a year and a half, so if we want to have reasons for optimism that our country and the world is pulling out of the pandemic I look around this room and feel very, very good about that.

I can’t imagine a more exciting or substantial person to have as our first speaker than Mieke Eoyang.  She is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber, which means she is the senior cyber policy official over the entire Defense Department and the military.  That’s a heck of a job.

We’re experimenting with a new format, so I will ask our guest to give some opening comments, sort of set the cyberspace for us and then we’ll move to questions. 

This format is on the record, but not for broadcast – either audio or video.  Our pitch to the Pentagon, State, NSC, the IC, is that we’re the anti-press room.  We’re Geneva, Switzerland.  We all sit, we speak calmly, so we don’t allow anything other than word stories, either print or on your web sites.  I’m sure everybody will agree with those rules.

With that, the floor is yours.