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Madelyn R. Creedon, Rebecca L. Heinrichs, Congressional Commission

Defense Writers Group

30 November 2023

Moderator: Let me get started to be respectful of everybody’s time today. The ground rules, as always, are this is on the record but there’s no rebroadcast of audio or video. Please feel free to record for accuracy and quotes. A couple of introductions. Evie Schumann is joining us today from Carnegie Corporation of New York. Our work would not be possible without their kind generosity, so thank you so much and the corporation. We have four or five GWU National Security grad students with us today. Welcome. Please join the conversation. We’re not only about elevating the discussion for these great reporters, but
the next generation of national security leaders too, so we’re really, really glad you’re here. Our speakers, of course, are from the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States.

Commission Member Rebecca Henrichs is to my right. She’s a senior fellow at Hudson Institute, and the director of its keystone defense initiative. She also serves on the US Strategic Command Advisory Group and the National Independent
Panel on Military Service and Readiness. She’s an adjunct professor at the Institute of World Politics. Rebecca, welcome.
Also here is Madelyn R. Creedon. She was the Commission Chair. She has served as Principal Deputy Administrator National Nuclear Security Administration, as an Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs. She also serves, as many of us know, as the long-time counsel for the Senate Committee on Armed Services.

I don’t want to embarrass Madelyn, but one quick story from my time as a journalist. My wife always cautions me, now dear, you only used to be Thom Shanker, so when I used to be Thom Shanker I emailed, called, left messages for Madelyn for years on end.
She never emailed or called me back. At the time it was so frustrating as a journalist, but as a recovering journalist I am in awe of your discipline and of your commitment to Senator Levin who was one of the truly great public servants. I’d watch Madelyn and Carl passing notes back and forth and was like I want to be in that conversation. Thank you both for being here. We are really honored. As always, I’ll ask the first question --

Ms. Creedon: I have to say, a note in my defense. When one works for Senator Levin the staff is seen but not heard. So...