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General Stephen J. Townsend, Commander, US Africa Command

28 July 2022

Defense Writers Group

Moderator:  Good morning, everyone, and welcome to this Defense Writers Group with General Stephen Townsend, Commander of US Africa Command.  This is actually one of our largest turnouts ever, so it shows the great interest in the topic and of course the convenience of meeting on Zoom from time to time.

Our ground rules, as always, this conversation is on the record, but there is no rebroadcast of either audio or video.  As is our custom, I’ll ask the first question and then I’ll go to the floor.  About a half dozen of you emailed me in advance to get on the questioners list.  If you do want to ask a question you can drop me a note in the direct chat.

With that, General, we are honored by your presence.  Thank you so much for joining us today.

General Townsend:  Thanks, Thom, it’s great to be here with all of you.  And let me just say to the whole group, I really actually appreciate what you’re all doing out there.  I actually believe in the importance of a free press and a free society and the ability to shine a spotlight on all that we’re doing, even while you’re filing your fingernails.