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Dr. John Nagl, Col. Chase Metcalf, “Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force”

Defense Writers Group

18 October 2024

Moderator: Good morning. Welcome everyone to the Defense Writers Group on an incredibly timely and important topic -- Lessons for the Future Force from the war in Ukraine. One hates to look at bloodshed and death as anything positive, but it really is a living laboratory. I know the military is watching very carefully, and we have some of the smartest minds among military analysts anywhere to help us understand that. 

As always, this is on the record. You can record for accuracy and quotes, but there’s no rebroadcast of audio or video. Because not many of you have read the book, I’ll ask our guest speakers to brief a little bit to it and then we’ll go around to questions for the hour. 

So our guests are Dr. John Nagl and Colonel Chase Metcalf. We have a bonus here, Stephen Trynosky is also a contributor. And also just a couple of honored guests, Matt Levinger from the Elliott School, Director of the National Security Studies Program; and Sean Aday, SMPA professor and good colleague. 

With that, I will turn it over to, I call him Colonel Nagl, you can call him Dr. Nagl or John. 

Dr. Nagl: I haven’t been a colonel for a long, long time.